About Us
Holy Mary’s School is a Christian Minority Institution established by HOLY MARY’S SOCIETY REGD. in the year 1999. Holy Mary’s School was established on 2nd Feb-1999 and Registered under the Society act-1860
The school affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi, recognized by Punjab Government, is the First and the Only Institution to have been accredited to National Institute of Open Schooling. The chief aim of the school is to provide a sound educational structure premeditated to train its students to live for the goodwill of society, through their activities in all walks-of-life, be it morally, spiritually, intellectually, socially or professionally.

The vision of the school is “To Impart High Quality Education to Banur and Its Surrounding Villages.

The mission of the school is ‘To Provide A Sound Educational Structure Premeditated To Train Its Students To Live For The Goodwill Of Society, Through Their Activities In All Walks-Of-Life, Be It Morally, Spiritually, Intellectually, Socially Or Professionally’.

“We do not provide education but a road to success!”
Mr. C.C. Devassy – Founder & Director
How We Achieve Our Goals
Holy Mary’s School, founded more than two decades ago, with a clear vision, ‘To Impart High Quality Education to Banur and Its Surrounding Villages’, has been successfully serving its objectives, with due emphasis on the famous 3 D’s to success as per the Management’s guidelines: Dedication, Discipline, and Determination.
Promoting a spirit of service and loyalty
Installing in children love for truth, justice, and brother-hood
Inspiring children to build a healthy and strong body by regular physical exercise, games and sports
Guiding the students to seek knowledge, which leads to the truth, through academics, adopted and moulded to their mental development
Helping the students to realise the presence of God within oneself and in others by teaching them to pray and to live in accordance with the principles of being honest and true to oneself and others